Friday 23 February 2007


Look you’ve taken the trouble to visit this web page, so why the anxiety to rush off to another sit?

Stop relax.

Why did you visit this page? What were you expecting to see?
I am interested to know. Please just take a few minutes to leave a comment. Or if you prefer you can type a short note in the box on the left (under Message of the day). Thanks.

If you are a blogger and you have a tracker installed you will know a large proportion of visitors remain for less than 5 seconds. You have gone to all the trouble to write the blog, and they can’t be bothered to devote a minute to read it.

Why do you blog?
Please leave a comment tell me why you blog, a few sentences, I’m really interested to know.

I’ll leave you something to look at while you are thinking about what to write.

Things look different when they are turned through 90°
Things look different when you turn your thinking through 90°

I promise to respond to every comment.


ladyluck3819 said...

writing is the only way I know to throw out my problems and analyze what to do/ what to chose.
that's why I blog.
I write for myself, to remind things -- my memory ain't that good so I need an external place where I can store things.
Nice apples ;)

TheGeek said...

I blog therefor I am. No seriously, it's something to be addicted to (don't do drugs mmmmkay?).

My Name Here said...

My blog is an outlet for me. I was hoping to help some other people who may be in the same situation as me, although that backfired and it turns out, people who are not in my situation are now helping me out. I write because I feel compelled to write. Why do you?

DarkWing said...

i just started...but i decided to start because it is a place to put my memories, thoughts, ideas or anything i want down, and out of my head. I find it not only clears my head, but allows me to understand the thoughts better.

Sherrykins said...

I first started a blog for the challenge of it all since I'm not a writer or html savvy and had lots of fun doing the research and learning part. They say, You're never to old to learn.

Once I found myself understanding how things worked, I began to think how nice it would be if I could help other new bloggers learn the basics and share my newfound knowledge with them (not that it's much but it's a help to some).